Skunk Musk Removal And Information ....
Some helpful hints on removing that pungent spray emitted by our black and white wild neighbors.

Skunk Spray Remover:
This homemade remedy is used to remove skunk musk from pretty much anything that is unlucky enough to get sprayed by a skunk. A word of caution to all those dog owners out there... Hydrogen Peroxide does bleach fur.

Mix together and use on scented area while foaming ...
1 quart of Hydrogen Peroxide
¼ cup of baking soda
1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap

Tomato Juice:
This old stand by for soaking a "skunked" area works, but it is generally slow to get the job done.

Commercial Products:
There are many commercial off-the-shelf products out there to combat skunk musk. Check with your local pet store, they usually carry at least one.

Spray Warning Signs:
Skunks would much rather retreat than spray you. Generally, there first line of defense will be to run away. Secondly, they will usually stand their ground with an arched back and stomp their front feet. This is usually accompanied by the characteristic raising of the tail. Their last and final resort is to take aim and fire.

Spraying The Enemy:
There is a lot of controversy surrounding how skunks spray. And rightfully so, since no one wants to get close enough to study them and find out. Some will turn their hind quarters towards you and then spray, but some can form a horizontal "U" with their bodies and look at you while spraying. Skunks can usually shoot their musk an average of 12 feet and can reload in a short amount of time. Some say skunks cannot spray if they are carried by the base of their tails. Don't believe it, this is just a well circulated myth.

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Skunk Deterants ....
Having trouble getting a wild skunk to leave you alone? Try some of these helpful tips from people who have launched a war against a wild skunk over territory and won.

Food Deterants:
If you feed outside animals, you could also be supplying a skunk with a steady diet. Make sure to keep cat, dog, or bird food elevated off the ground or eliminate it entirely from an outside porch, deck, barn, or feeder. If a skunk can find a steady and ample diet at your house, why should he go elsewhere?

Shelter Deterants:
Having trouble with a skunk under your house, deck, or shed? Try to force them to relocate by boarding up unwanted denning areas when the skunk leaves to find food or go roaming. Coating the ground (near where you think they are denning) with flour and watching for tracks is a good way to tell when the skunk is leaving and returning to the den. Skunks are usually most active during the dusk and dawn hours.

Skunk Repellant Spray:
Jerry Baker’s formula to keep the skunks away from your yard is to spray it with a mixture of ...

8oz. liquid dishwashing soap,
8oz. Castor Oil, added to
1 gallon of water

* Note * Remember to reapply if it rains heavily.

Loud Noises:
Skunks generally don't like loud or repetative noises. Stereo speakers placed on the back porch with the bass turned up really high seemed to vibrate one skunk away. Others have lain in wait for the black and white ghosts to appear and bang metal garbage can lids or pots and pans together to scare them off.

Bright Lights:
Many have tried surprise by bright halogen flashlights in the middle of the night. Motion sensor lights directed at a problem area of the yard has also been used to scare skunks away.

Remote Control Tactics:
One father used his son's remote control 4x4 truck to scare a skunk out of his yard whenever it entered.

Hoses; A Good Old Fashioned Soaking:
One brave soul tried soaking a skunk with his hose. Forgetting that water will make a dug up yard muddy and slippery, this unfortunate man found himself flat on his fanny staring the frightened skunk right in the face. For one reason or another, the skunk did not visit again.

Skunk Tricksters:
In talking to some pest removal services they stated. "Skunks that create the most yard and home damage are the smartest and hardest to catch." Most pest removal companies agree that skunks with a star marking (mostly black with only a little white on their heads) are the hardest to catch and relocate.

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Other Wildlife Site Links ....
These sites offer good hints on how to cohabitate with wild skunks. Also find information on what to do if you "rescue" an orphaned wild skunk kitten.

Centre Wildlife Care

Pennsylvania Wildlife Rehabbers

Wonderful Skunk and Opossum Web Site

S.K.U.N.K.S. Scentral

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Wild Skunk Encounters ....
Just some funny stories or events involving wild skunks.

Skunk Bear
One funny incident involves a guy who looked out the curtains of his basement window to find two beady black eyes staring back at him. After a moment of shock he realized it wasn't a monster after all, but a skunk stuck in his window well.

One day this summer, a day in the backyard pool was squelched when a family found a baby skunk already swimming there. This created a somewhat memorable day for the person who had to get in the pool and shovel him out.

Some swear that they have witnessed a skunk looking both ways before crossing the street to the other side. They also said they saw a skunk using the front sidewalk instead of taking a shortcut through the yard in the dewy grass. Smart skunk, huh?

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Amazing Skunk Facts ....
Little known or interesting facts about skunks wild or captive-bred.

Eyes and Eyesight:
Skunks have poor eyesight with an optimum distance being about three feet. A skunks eyes are normally black or dark brown. Albino skunks have red or pink eyes.

A skunk's top speed clocks in at about six miles per hour.

Skunks are crepuscular meaning they mainly come out of their dens to forage for food, exercise, and play during the dusk and dawn hours.

Bearing Young:
Skunks have a gestation period of about 63 days. Litters usually range in size from 1 to 8, but have been recorded as high as 16 to 20. Baby skunks are "seasonal", being born once a year, during late April and throughout the month of May.

Life Span:
In the wild, skunks only live three to five years. In captivity they generally live eight to ten years.

Skunk "vocabulary" is varied; from soft bird-like chirps to loud squeals, from huffy, deep growls to quiet hisses. Skunks are usually silent animals. Skunk noises are heard most often when two or more skunks come in contact with each other.

Skunks are true omnivores eating insects such as grubs, crickets, moths, bumblebees, etc., small ground animals such as mice and shrews, eggs, various plants, nuts, and berries.

Spotted skunks are immune to Scorpion stings.

Even though their skeletal size differs, the "average" skunk's weight is between seven and ten pounds.

Skunk teeth are really sharp and their canine (eye) teeth can make a pretty nasty puncture wound if they bite you.

Skunks have claws that are more rounded off on the ends like a dog's. Skunks use these claws to hold their food while eating and they help to stabilize the skunk while walking.

Skunk City History:
The US city Chicago - Sikako - was named in honor of skunks. The origin of that name came from the indians that settled there around 1600 A.D.

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